The Hopes and Fears of Young People in 2024 

At Action4Youth we work with thousands of young people every year. In 2023 we worked with over 25,000 young people. From all our sessions and group work young people have been telling us about their concerns for 2024: 

  • Cost of Living 
  • The world around us 
  • Personal future 
  • Relationships 
  • Exams 

At Action4Youth we always want to take practical, constructive action to equip young people to manage their concerns and prepare them positively for a better future with the backing of our supporters and partners: 

Our fast-paced, interconnected world takes its toll on mental health. Young people are concerned about the prevalence of stress, anxiety, and depression, exacerbated by factors such as social media pressures, academic stress, and the uncertainties of the future. 

The Junction and Action4Youth team provide counselling and mentoring for all young people via our website referral page or at The Junction Youth Centre. We want to always provide a safe non-judgmental safe space. Youth workers and trusted adults are always available to listen, offer advice, and signpost to the necessary support and resources. 

The current cost of living crisis and a lack of food and heating at home for many families means families and young people are going hungry and being cold. This in turn creates difficulties at home and sometimes embarrassment at school.  

At Action4Youth we run Holiday Activities and Food programmes during holiday times (HAF provision), providing transport to centres and programmes where possible. 

There are cookery sessions and free food at The Junction providing a warm, accessible, safe spaces for young people. We are always advocating for the support that is needed. 

The NCS programme also teaches budgeting and money skills sessions. We are always aiming to build confidence, self-esteem, and employability skills with our support services and programmes. 

The past few years have been marked by unprecedented challenges, and young people find themselves at the intersection of social change, and environmental uncertainty at times causing anxiety among young people who are entering a  time when they need to make crucial life decisions about education, work, and relationships. 

Action4Youth runs multiple programmes all aimed at making all young live better giving young people the tools they need to thrive. 

The NCS Programme teaches young people essential life skills in a setting away from home giving them the experience of a lifetime that also teaches life skills. NCS volunteering not only supports local people and charities but also gives young people the knowledge and tools to create change and feel empowered. Grow Your Ambition Programme incorporates some of the key aspects of the NCS programme, but is run alongside schools and colleges, offering an alternative to the usual day of school.

The Caldecotte Xperience brings all the benefits of outdoor learning to life, supporting emotional well-being and mental health. 

Young people can also sign up for The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, the world’s leading youth achievement award, giving millions of 14 to 24-year-olds the opportunity to be the very best they can be. 

The Inspiration Programme teaches secondary school pupils about the world around them and how they can have an impact. From practical skills such as presentation and interview skills to new experience and exposure to different carers including farming, corporate businesses, the criminal justice system and so much more. The Inspiration Programme empowers young people to aim higher in their careers showing them opportunities they may not have considered, in turn giving them the confidence to speak up and make a difference. 

Recognising more teenagers now carry knives and the increasing need to support vulnerable young people, Action4Youth developed a pilot initiative, The Breakout Programme, this 12-week, anti-knife, drug and crime intervention programme is designed to bring positive change to the lives of young people at risk of being tempted by crime and losing purpose.

The climate crisis has spurred a heightened sense of environmental awareness among young people. Many young individuals are actively engaged in climate activism and hope for increased global cooperation to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable living. 

At The Caldecotte Xperience we teach Bushcraft and environmental stewardship. Engaging with nature has been proven to give young people a stronger connection with nature and feel responsible for their local area and the natural world they live in. This will hopefully help create a generation of young people actively involved in looking after nature and the areas they live in. 

In 2024 Action4Youth’s priorities are to do more, work with more young people, reach out to work with more partners to make this happen, helping us all to positively enjoy the coming year. We wish you all a happy and healthy 2024.

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