Action4Youth Summer Camps - The New NCS

NCS Programme Announcement

While the government has announced the end of the NCS programme from March 2025, there will be new opportunities at Action4Youth. We have Summer Camps for ages 10-15 and 16-17,  which will run from late July to the beginning of September and a great adventure for the summer holidays.

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Camp Caldecotte!

Join us for an adventure of a lifetime!

For ages 10-12, join Pioneers and 13-15 year olds join Trailblazers for a five day and four night adventure in a safe location with a huge range of sports and activities on offer all in the care of an experienced and qualified team.

Summer Camp

Action4Youth Summer Camps for 16-17 year olds

Make new friends, develop life skills, experience independent living, cook for your team and you can use all of this for your DofE Gold Award residential requirement! Five day and four night residential, and a whole lotta fun!

Action4Youth programmes and initiatives for young people

The Inspiration Programme

A life changing 1 year programme which can broaden the horizons, thinking and experience of young people.

The Mentoring Programme

1:1 and group mentoring to encourage positive engagement and achievement in young people with challenging behaviour. 

Grow Your Ambition Programme

Incorporating some of the key aspects of the NCS programme, offering an alternative to the usual day of school!

Additional Needs and Disabilities

 A full range of programmes, activities and opportunities for young people of all abilities.

Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Regular holiday activities and food programme for young people eligible for free school meals provision.

The Breakout Programme

Promoting positive change to the lives of young people who are at risk of being sucked into crime or losing purpose.


For young people of secondary school age attending SEND schools, Pupil Referral Units, and alternative education provisions.

Camp Caldecotte!

Action4Youth Summer Camps – Join us for an adventure of a lifetime

The Junction

A multi service drop-in youth centre offering a range of planned sessions and activities for young people aged 11-18 years.

Youth Groups

Encouraging, motivating and supporting clubs, groups and organisations for young people throughout Buckinghamshire. 

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