Action4Youth May Newsletter 21

A Message from Jenifer Cameron

Exciting times at Action4Youth after very many months of planning and covid related delays we will open The Junction, our new youth centre in High Wycombe next month as we hope, covid restrictions will ease further. Working with many partners and funders we have developed a programme for young people in their teens intended to be fun, supportive and educational all based in a non judgemental, safe space. As always at Action4Youth, the centre will be for all young people regardless or background or ability.
At its heart, the centre will be a drop in centre where young people can meet their friends, make new friends, hang out and have a good time with a range of activities. There will also be a programme of structured sessions on the themes of health and wellbeing with a wide range of topics including fitness sessions and team games, mental resilience and wellbeing and understanding and enjoying a healthy diet. There will be support sessions for those with special educational needs and disabilities and our intention is that as many sessions as possible will be live streamed so that those unable to attend in person will be able to participate.
Additionally we will offer a crisis support service which will include 1-2-1 counselling and mentoring but will be the place where young people can go when they most need urgent and immediate help and support. From the autumn all services will be available 7 days a week ensuring that the young people of High Wycombe always have a safe, welcoming and fun place to go.
I am very grateful to the many individuals who have donated to support this project, as well as The Clare Foundation and Swire Family Trust whose support has made this possible. The many organisations working across Wycombe at present, most our members, have been generous in their support for this idea and we look forward to working with them to ensure its success for our young people in the coming months.

The Inspiration Programme

The Inspiration Programme is conducting its first outside trip this week. It was really exciting for the young people and staff to be back out and taking part in trips. The students went to Windmill Hill part of the Waddesden estate, part of our Arts and Culture pillar. We had a brilliant time warmly welcomed by the education team where we can a close look at various art works and took in the scenery.

It was good to share new and exciting experiences as the young people had never had the opportunity to visit the Waddesden estate.


We are on the look out for NCS Assistant Leaders for this Summer, in Milton Keynes and High Wycombe.

NCS Assistant Leaders will support the Team Leader and support a cohort of 12-16 year olds on the Action4Youth NCS Programme over a period of two or three weeks.

To register your interest please send an email to and one of our team will send you further information.


Due to popular demand, we have added an additional silver DofE expedition in the Autumn. We also have dates available for our Bronze and Gold expeditions. 

Visit our website for more information or to book onto an expedition. 


Did you know that many companies only support charities who are recommended by one of their staff? Companies offer support in different ways, ranging from corporate grant schemes, to selecting a “Charity of the Year” or by matching any funds raised by their employees.  We’re embarking on a new programme of corporate support to raise vital funds to activate exciting projects for young people and we need your help!  If you work at a company, please check your intranet, or ask your HR, CSR or Community Engagement team to see what opportunities they have for local/regional charities and let us know by emailing our new Corporate Fundraiser Bonnie Clayton on

Membership & Training

Next steps on the roadmap to Step 3. National Youth Agency had a livestream on Thursday 13th May. Catch up in your own time using the same link.
Visit for the most up to date written guidance.
Membership 2021/22
Thank you to the majority who have now completed their online form. Should you wish to join membership for 2021/22 please fill out the form The form will stop accepting responses from 24th May.
Plenty of training opportunities are coming up. Click here to find out what is coming up/ (please note that Basic Saving Lives due to take place on 17/5 has been postponed due to lack of numbers)
If you wish to book a session for your organisation please complete this form


At the meeting, Jacqueline Roberts of SV2G led comments on the Race Disparity Report and noted that the acronym BAME is no longer favoured. It was recommended that each organisation reviews its own operation in the light of this Report.

The Data Gathering and Sharing project funded by the Rothschild Foundation is developing on schedule, with the aim of creating a data dashboard and tool. The system will be available to all interested parties to bring their data to a central place allowing need and provision to be better understood in the context of strategy formulation and supporting funding applications.

Sheena Dykes DL encouraged organisations to consider nominating or being nominated for the Queens Award for Voluntary Service. Appropriate organisations would have good governance and be making a significant difference to their beneficiaries’ lives. Nominations are open from April 1st to September 15th 2021.

Angela Jessop of the NHS spoke about social prescribing in Bucks. NHS England has provided funding which is being used by the Primary Care Networks to employ Link Workers who will spend time with patients and consider and offer support and interventions for both health and wider wellbeing needs.

The review of the first period of Community Boards’ operations continues with feedback from the VCSE and internal discussion within the Council.

The longer term vision for the VCSE Board was considered and how best it should evolve. Mark Ormerod, Chair, has drafted revised Terms of Reference and these will be shared for comment. Work continues to ensure effective two way communication between all levels of the council and parts of the wider VCSE. Events are planned for the coming months to help build understanding.

It was noted that there will be a new intake of councillors following the May elections and reference to the VCSE and the Recovery Board will be included in their induction.

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