Action4Youth Conference Highlights the priorities, challenges and opportunities for the youth sector

Earlier this month, some of the most influential organisations within the youth sector came together at Action4Youth’s annual conference to discuss the biggest issues affecting young people in society today.

UK Youth, Stonewall, the Association of Chairs, NCVO and the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health, covered topics from education, employment and volunteering right through to childhood obesity and LGBT equality and gender complexity issues in young people.

Lord-Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire and Action4Youth Patron, Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher, also took to the stage to discuss how Bucks charities are meeting current challenges and looked to the future and what lies ahead for the youth sector.

Following a morning of information gathering and sharing, attendees took part in a panel session, hosted by Milton Keynes Community Foundation, the National Lottery Community Fund, The Rothschild Foundation and The Clare Foundation, with an opportunity to discover more about the potential funding available to support young people and how to apply.

Dr Max Davie, Officer for Health Promotion at the Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health explains: There was a real buzz at the conference, with everyone in the room really keen to find out more about the problems and the level of the problems that young people are facing, the reasons why and most importantly what we as a sector can do about it.

“Childhood obesity is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem within society, and collaborative working is one of the key ways that we can help to find long term solutions and reverse the current upward trend.”

Hannah Asquith of Grass Roots Foundation commented on the conference: “It was really inspiring to hear from all of the experts in the room, getting an insight into the factors that influence and impact young people and how we can support them and their families to promote a happy and healthy lifestyle, now and into the future.”

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